That moment you start working on your personal computer after you quit your job and you keep trying to login with your old work password.

That’s the moment I’m in right now: at the start of something new, still pulling myself away from the old. It is the little things you forget about, like your computer password. Or changes in behavior: like your phone listing the drive time to the office when you’re just headed to the grocery store. Or your kids noticing you are home after school. But different doesn’t mean worse, and some things don’t change.

I’ve always liked Mondays. For me, Mondays have represented a fresh start; a chance to refocus, reprioritize and readjust your mental state. There’s a great deal of advantage to be had by loving Mondays when everyone around you is groaning back to work. Mondays are usually my most productive day and I can’t think of a better Monday on which to start this new phase.